
Entry 5: Text

The texting world is full of abbreviations and lack of punctuation which results in the incorrect version of a world being used. 

OMG, seriously! You're mad xxx

Grammer mistake

The correct use of your and you're for the grammar snob is imperative as it completely changes the context of the sentence. 


Entry 4: Twitter

Due to its informal nature, Twitter tends to yield more mistakes than most platforms.

Sick and tired of having the p**s taken out of me

Grammer mistake 

Even with the obscenities, the use of 'took' instead of 'taken' is surprisingly common.  


Entry 3: Supermarket

A local supermarkets boards that was on display

Cut, Skin, Fillet or Bone

Grammer Mistake 

An easy and common mistake to make, to bone is the removal of bones, to de-bone would in affect be to add them back in.